Comments on Technology and Ideas to be developed.
My current works and ideas.
Over the years I have been developing a series of works and research proposals that I would like to present to you as a whole for your consideration. For each one you will find here an introduction to the topic and also links to the complete content already more elaborated. Most of the topics are under development and from time to time I add or modify information. Keep this in mind so that from time to time you can revisit the topics that were of interest to you. Also keep in mind that the links may point to the name of the project and therefore you must see the references to access the content.
Let's start. You can go directly to Programmer or Spreadsheets or Physics or Economics or Covid19 or AIDS or Monkeypox or Stories.
First: To be a Programmer... without Mathematics.
Programming... There are so many job and development opportunities for the Programmer and for the Entrepreneur... Smart homes, the internet of things (IoT), websites as varied as the world is, mobile applications (Android, IOS), Security in communications and business, PC applications (Windows, Mac, Chrome OS), are some examples of how varied and necessary it is for Programmers to do their job.
Artificial Intelligence? And who programs, trains, and maintains it? Programmers first and foremost. And with Artificial Intelligence we Programmers will get to "get rid of" many of the cumbersome tasks we currently perform, giving us more room for creativity and self-development.
Programming will be easy with this course. There is no limit to the Programmer's Mind, nor can the people who possess it be pigeonholed into one sphere of knowledge. The one who develops the Programmer's Mind will be able to navigate through as many different worlds and applications as the ones mentioned above. He/she will be able to adapt to the constant fluctuations of the market and apply the new trends of how to program, which tools to use, besides being able to work alone or in a group.
In short, the most important thing when learning to program, even if you already know how to program, is to develop the Programmer's Mind, which are models of abstract and concrete thinking that are created as they are exercised in an orderly manner.
All or almost all programming courses teach you to "Write poems in Esperanto" and you are not a poet and you don't know the Esperanto language, so you have to face to solve problems programming in a language you don't know yet, let's say for example C to mention a great veteran still active.
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Second: Spreadsheets networked, distributed, and able to be viewed online by themselves.
More useful for more people and companies because spreadsheets have more expressive power than conventional systems and development languages, their use is almost universal and intuitive.
They are not a substitute for existing spreadsheets. This will constitute a "runtime" environment with new features added and development and hosting systems to enable them.
Mobile capability implies a new distributed development and runtime paradigm.
It also implies a new database paradigm, practically and theoretically.
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Third: Repagular Physics. We are the dark matter and dark energy. A Paradigm Shift.
The objective of the present research outline is to establish the practical theoretical basis for the study and development of a line of thought leading to establish that the known universe, including us, is really the "dark" matter and energy and that what is so far only cognizable by the human mind is the real "white" matter and energy.
In other words, the dimensions we know, including time, even the relativistic, plus everything learned from the infinitely small or "quantum", is mediated by being only a small part of the whole, which makes that many of the theories and equations developed, despite having fantastic applications, are mutilated precisely by trying to explain even a very small part of the whole "reality".
It will be difficult to detach ourselves from thinking that we know everything, or almost everything, and that we have called "reality" to what is directly cognizable by us, either by our senses or by the physical-mathematical tools we have developed. It will be difficult, but not impossible.
If we accept that we are part of a wider "reality", then we can begin to think that we will be able to explain what since the first times of our existence we have all noticed, that we are not alone, that part of us belongs to another "realm", or in other words, that our soul and therefore our consciousness is not of this "so-called real world" but is an integral part of a "reality" that we can know precisely by using the mental weapons that we have.
This has been done by myriads of thinkers throughout our history, and as one of them said, "when physics reaches the summit of knowledge there it will find the enlightened souls".
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Fourth: Repagular Mathematics and Social Economics.
It is well known that economics and social sciences have imported from Physics and mostly from Mathematics developed for other exact and biological sciences many of the procedures, theories, and even ways of thinking that are not necessarily adequately inserted in the social and economic evolution at a global level.
They have been necessary steps in the History of Sciences, since for the needs of subsistence and development humanity has first tried to solve the most pressing problems within its reach, such as those of survival, and for that reason a whole range of quantitative and even qualitative thinking procedures have been developed which, although they have resulted in fantastic advances for Man, cannot be well coupled neither to society as a whole, nor to the most advanced organ known, the human brain, nor to the globally unknown universe, of which it has been explained in other writings of mine the detail that "We and our reality are dark energy and dark matter".
But unlike Repagular Mathematics that give way to Repagular Physics, where notions more encompassing than "our" reality are assumed ( see corresponding articles ) in the case of Social Economic Sciences the object of study is within our reach, although it is difficult for us to establish "experiments" to verify theories, since Society is not a manageable field like the "physical" or even the "biological" where, for example, rat models are used to seek results that would be unthinkable in Man, unless we are ruthless with our fellow human beings.
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Fifth: Covid 19 treatment via sonification to SARS-COV2 and application via bone conduction.
Hypothesis: If a virus is lured into an inert state its infestation will tend to zero.
Problem: How to make a virus be attracted to an inert state?
Solution: By making it resonate at its base frequency.
Hypothesis: The base frequency of a virus is directly related to its DNA.
Problem: How to generate a resonant sequence with the DNA of a virus?
Solution: By taking the virus DNA into a time series and use it to generate a sequence of sounds audible to the virus.
In the 80's Dr. Ana Maria Riveron developed a DNA encoding that I extended and used to create a numerical series (not a time series) for the entire SARS-COV2 genome.
So this series is another way to access the whole genome numerically. And to resonate the SARS-COV2 virus to disable its effect and perhaps the Central Nervous System with this built-in information can detect it and not allow it to infect us. In this order of things this way of treatment can be considered as a vaccine.
Sixth: Treatment of AIDS via sonification of its DNA and application via bone conduction.
I know this is a long shot, but I have tried to give a proposal for the treatment of AIDS. There are and will be so many variants of this virus that so far it has not been possible to develop an effective vaccine.
In the 1980's Dr. Ana Maria Riveron developed a DNA coding that I expanded and have used to create a numerical series (not a time series) for the entire genome of AIDS variants.
So this series is another way to access the whole genome numerically. And to resonate the AIDS virus to disable its effect and perhaps the Central Nervous System with this built-in information can detect it and not allow it to infect us. In this order of things this way of treatment can be considered as a vaccine.
Seventh: Treatment of monkeypox in humans via DNA sonification and application via bone conduction.
I know it is a long shot, but I have tried to give a proposal for the treatment of monkeypox in humans.
In the 1980's Dr. Ana Maria Riveron developed a DNA coding that I extended and have used to create a numerical series ( not a time series ) for the whole genome of monkeypox variants in humans.
So this series is another way to access the whole genome numerically. And to resonate the monkeypox virus in humans to disable its effect and perhaps the Central Nervous System with this built-in information can detect it and not allow it to infect us. In this order of things this way of treatment can be considered as a vaccine.
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Eight: Story Telling.
The novel of Time:
Comments and stories: